Thursday 30 January 2014


Some of the things which happen to us in our day to day activities can be rather annoying but a probably funny to God.
I say God because according to the Bible, God created man. Hence I tend to think that sometimes we are like His puppets, no? (OK,not an intellectual thought but . . .on a light note. hehe)

Today just happens to be one of those days I postpone my 'shower hour' until after noon because I'll be home the whole day. So at around 1PM I stepped into the shower (Some of you know how much I love my shower hour). Immediately I began my usual singing and dancing (LOL, I can sing a little but DANCE??? NOT EVEN TO SAVE MY LIFE!) While I was busy enjoying my shower, the lights went out! For all you guys who have instant showers, I'm sure you can relate.*sigh* This has happened many times before. There was a time it happened 3 times in one week.I complained to a friend who then laughed and said, "Well, what do you know? God enjoys practical jokes as well"
So today because I was half way through my 'shower hour' I just decided to persevere the cold water. Then guess what? Immediately I was done, the lights came back on. Needless to say I cursed K.P.L.C then remembered what my friend told me and laughed (You know, that 'hahahaha NKT' kind of laughter)

Later on as I was combing my hair, I remembered what happened a few nights ago. There I was in my bed very sleepy but still chatting on whatsapp (I know I'm not the only one who does this). I had switched off the lights because I was not planning on getting out of bed until the following morning. Then suddenly I realized that I needed to use the washroom but I was feeling rather too lazy to go. After a minute of debating if I will hold 'till morning or go, I just went. Long story short, the lights went out and I almost missed the toilet seat. I guess being sleepy and sudden darkness confuses you a little.
Again, I just told myself 'God enjoys practical jokes'

I'm sure we all have our funny stories of 'God enjoys practical jokes'. Be it the guy/girl whom you swore you'd never be seen with let alone date and now you cannot stop thinking about him/her or the time you were about to warm your food in the microwave, after dying of hunger, only for the lights to go out. Feel free to share them. I usually imagine God watches us and dies of laughter in heaven, probably with His angels too.

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