Wednesday 29 January 2014


Relationships. Always such an interesting topic and probably the most discussed topic by teenagers and young adults.

We all love to be loved by someone whom we love. The first few months of a relationship (according to my observation and little experience) are rather very pleasant and promising. Full of “I love yous” “You and me together forever” and so much more. However when the couple experiences their first fight everything seems to fall apart. After a few days probably even hours or minutes the relationship is over simply because differences could not be worked out. Not all couples break up after the honeymoon phase. There are those who last a year or two. We all probably know that one couple where the two have been dating for what seems like ETERNITY!! Sometimes we envy them sometimes we don’t. However, even those who have been dating for years do SURPRISINGLY break up! (I’d be damned!!)

A break up experience is literally the heart’s worst nightmare. Break ups usually leave a person feeling empty and neglected. However, as you move on with your life you start to realize that that experience makes you grow as a person, unless you are not really keen on learning from life. You begin to understand which qualities to look for in a man/woman, which qualities you can easily dismiss ( no one is perfect) and those which you simply cannot tolerate! Break ups, are actually meant to gear a person towards a more mature….uumm generally better relationship. We have to admit they really do give us a break, no? In the following weeks and months we get to achieve personal goals which we were not really keen on and we also get to mingle a little here and there. So, next time you do go through a break up ( I know it’s not what you want to hear but hey, it’s life my friend) do not be too hard on yourself. Much greater blessings are coming your way!! :-)

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