Sunday 16 February 2014


For the last couple of weeks I have been having this style on my head. When I step out into the streets of Nairobi many people stare at me thinking that I have probably forgotten to comb my hair or something. My mother gets rather annoyed every time she sees my hair. 'Sasa watu watadhani siwezi nunulia mtoto kichana! Nooo Kiki, ladies don't do this.' She never gets tied of complaining, sometimes I just wonder. However, this is actually a style known as 'Palm rolling'. You just simply roll your palm on your dump hair and your natural curls become more defined. I have become obsessed with this style, I simply cannot comb my hair into a neat tiny afro and leave the house. Plus I feel so artsy and 'differently wired' with this style.

Anyway that's besides the point. Last Sunday, while we were having diner, my father mentioned how he was so surprised to see a man with many facial piercings. Not that he was judging him but he just wondered what is the significance of all those piercings.

Piercings and tattoos have been in existence for centuries! Many cultures around the world have practiced tattooing, piercing and even scarification for a number of reasons. Some the reasons were as a result of religion others were just for beauty. Piercings and tattoos have different meanings depending on the culture. I was obviously curious to learn a little more about the history of tattoos and piercings. I went through a couple of websites and decided to share these two:

1. History of tattoos
2. Body piercing

Photos showing scarification among African cultures. (Scarification seems brutal though. ouch!)

A photo of a Buddhist monk in Thailand being tattooed. (photo courtesy of National geographic)

Lip piercing. This is actually considered beauty among the Mursi people found in Ethiopia. ( I have no idea what to say...)

Maasai ear piercing.

Of course nowadays the art of tattooing and piercing is different. Tattoo artists and piercers have tried to make the process less painful and obviously more hygienic. (One tattoo artist I visited a year ago was rather hopeful that one day someone will come up with an absolutely painless method of permanent tattooing. Well, you never know.)
Tattoos and piercings are now a popular trend. People get them for different reasons but they are generally a form of art. The meanings the carry, the skill and precision required, the use of time, colours and imagination to bring out something so beautiful and desirable!

Actually I think that tattoos and piercings will never die. They are like immortal art! So many people I know (including myself) are crazy about them. Once you make your first step in getting either one of them or both, you can easily become obsessed! I once had ten piercings. 5 on each ear, though nowadays I have understood the saying ' less is more' hehe (I only got rid of two on each side)

Notice the nose piercing and the double helix piercing as well? :)

See the tragus piercing?

And finally my tiny tattoo. Some of you have been wondering what my tattoo is all about. Its basically an F clef and an inverted G clef put together to form a heart.

I got the piercings and the tattoo because I think they are really cool though when some people ask me why I got them, I feel obliged to give a deep fake story (because its like I'm either being judged for it or that person just really expects a good answer, like my mum's friends)

For all you guys who are interested in getting tribal tattoos, I came across a link I thought I should share.
All in all if you are planning on getting a tattoo or piercing, make sure it is something that you really want, be absolutely sure! You do not want to go through the pain and end up disappointed. Plus, make sure you follow your after care process strictly for successful healing. :)

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