Thursday 13 February 2014


It has been a while but I'm back :)
Today was a rather exciting day for me. I attended my FIRST DRUM LESSON! *whoop whoop*

My teacher seemed friendly however, the lesson felt like a disaster!! The first few minutes I learned a couple of basics so the drama kicked in later on when I was asked to play the drums while counting 1 2 3 4 out loud. (My teacher was just trying to assess my coordination at this point, not that I was expected to play professionally. Plus there is a name given to that '1 2 3 4' count just that I have forgotten *oops*) I never really thought that hand and foot coordination could be that hard. The 'matope' I did on those drums...I need your prayers people. Generally I was excited that I am going to learn something new, uncertain of what I have gotten myself into and disappointed that the lesson did not turn out as I had expected ( I like looking like I have it all under control even when I'm a beginner )

Before I decided to sign up for drums, I had talked to quite a number of people about their experiences. Most people said "It's so hard! You'll need a lot of practice" Others laughed at the idea of me playing drums, including my father who said, "Sasa hiyo imetoka wapi? Si hiyo ni ya vijana?" (everyone seems to have this idea that I'm some sort of barbie princess, which I do not like but anyway...). The strong belief I had (that I'll soon be a kick ass drummer) was slowly being taken over by doubt. Not that the people telling me that drums can be complicated had bad intentions (I mean it is definitely complicated but you can catch up) but because I was focusing on the negative I doubted myself so much, that I only paid half the fees just in case I decided to call it quits. (My father better not find out about this!)

I got home and thought about my first lesson (by the way I saw the weird Condom King guy on my way to class. HAHAHA!). I practiced a little of what I learned today and I realized that I really can hack this! All it takes is just concentration and understanding that playing drums is not impossible. My first boyfriend was a rather optimistic one. One thing I never forget about him is what he always said, 'Mind over matter'. Over the years I have experienced this. Mind over matter, mind over matter anything can be achieved! 1 2 3 4 DANCE TO THE BEAT OF YOUR DRUMS.

If you really believe you can achieve it, no matter how many people say it is impossible, you can and will achieve it. (I know I'm preaching now but y'all need to be reminded). 1 2 3 4 dance to the beat of your drums and enjoy it!

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