Wednesday 11 February 2015


Yes Yes my last post was in September last year but that does not necessarily mean that I gave up on blogging. Though I must admit life caught up with me. Hehehe, I have been trying out other talents I have and some have surprisingly worked out better than I expected. One of them being my card business. *Yay*
I am at a point in my life where so much is happening and unfortunately I have not found a balance yet :-(

However, I thought I should come on here and show you guys some of the beautiful cards I have made.

These are just a few photos, there are a couple of photos I still haven't shared. ALSO......using the idea of my portfolio, I made my friend a wall piece. (Not that it was free, hehe)

I'm slowly pushing boundaries. I'm yet to polish up on my mosaic portraits though. However, for a start, I think I did pretty great!

I made a friend a birthday gift as well. In case you are wondering what it is, its a photo album with it's own casing.

ION: I lost a really good ring while rushing to work (BTW did I mention I'm now an intern at Design Source - an Architectural firm? But I shall talk about the experience under my architecture category) So anyway, I bought the ring from Maasai Market last Saturday. It was a cheap one but Lord knows how much I love it. In case you see a beautiful ring somewhere on Mbagathi Road, you know who to call. :-)


  1. Your pool of creativity is endless... I love these pieces

  2. Oh my gosh Lynn :) These ae absolutely beautiful. Don't just let that creativity go to waste, pursue it and nurture it to the maximum. Ion, I will look for you very soon long lost

    1. Thank you Kezia. And I will definitely nurture the talent. :)

  3. These are amazing! Keep on keeping on :)

    1. Hehe, thanks Margie. I saw your accessories btw, good workmanship :)

  4. You really are talented. Thumps up, and I see what you did with the pearls. Beautiful work
