Saturday 6 September 2014

MY LIST OF 20!!!

Recently I was on Instagram scrolling through photos when I got a notification that a friend of mine had tagged me in some photo. I'm pretty sure a number of you have been tagged in one of those status updates that start with ' 20 things you did not know about me' and in turn you have to create your own list of 20. I really was not planning on creating my list but what the heck? It won't hurt. So ladies and gentlemen, here's my list of 20.

1. I LOVE selfies! Duuh!

2. There are times I simply wish my 'fro could  just grow faster.

(chance to throw in a selfie, see that? LOL)

3. I'm really not into partying anymore. (I know some of y'all are laughing at this)

4. I LOVE to sing! However, I really do not have the guts to do so in front of a live audience.

5. I wish I were introduced to music at a very early age.

6. My sister is the person I love MOST in this world!

7. I really wish my parents did not give me an English name, two Meru names or one Meru name and another from a different ethnic group, would be just fine.

8. In another world, I would produce cartoon shows for a living.

9. When I do something, I go to the extreme of doing it. If it's working hard, I give it 110% and if it's being lazy I also give it 110%.

10. I'd like to be one f those ladies who never repeat an outfit for months but every time I look at my bank account....well, that just has to be a long term goal.

11. Never come to me for advice if you are having issues with a partner you keep breaking up then making up with. Make a choice damn it!

12. There are a few people I swore never to fall in love with; politicians, pastors and pilots.

13. I like to keep a few friends, it just makes things easier for me.

14. I do enjoy my own company. I can comfortably have lunch alone or even shop alone. :)

15. Unlike many other people my age, I do not have a concrete plan with regards to my career. All I know is that I may become a very good architect. Where I see myself in 10 or 20 years time? I ain't got no freaking clue!

16. I quit business school after two years to pursue architecture. It was the most liberating yet the scariest decision I have ever made!!!

17. There are a couple of countries I'd like to live in. Get to experience a different culture, different people, different spaces; I surely pray this dream comes to pass.

18. I really never get ladies who say "I don't know how to style my hair"......ah, how now? For complicated styles, I understand but what about the simple ones like tying a ponytail?

19. I embrace change. I love to switch things up a little from time to time.

20. Sex will always be an interesting topic to me.

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