Tuesday 14 April 2015


SEE this title up here, see it? Try read it in a Soprano voice and that's basically how I sound like when telling my sister that my nail broke...hehehe, at least that's what she says I sound like. My nails break a bit too much!

Why in the world do bad things happen to good people?! Why why why!!!!!!
I never really get to enjoy having nail polish on my nails *sob*. Anyone who knows me knows that I do almost nothing to my nails. I just cut them and sometimes file them.

Anyway, this weekend I actually applied some white nail polish though my left hand did not do any justice to my right hand. I know this happens to so may girls out there.*lqtm*

Yesterday, I sat in the office staring at my nails for a minute.

(I know it's not perfect but it's fairly good)

It hit me, "I should try nail art!!" I know a couple of people know the art pretty well and it isn't that big of a deal. However, to me, IT IS!!! It will add to the list of things that I can do (because I really want to believe that I can do it and will do it WONDERFULLY) Doing artsy activities makes me feel so alive!!!

Artsy African...Artsy African Girl...Artsy East African Girl...Ms Artsy.

Where were we? Aha! Nail art!
Did you actually know that nail art was used in ancient times to define social status? Some people argue that nail art first emerged in Babylonia where males coloured their nails with kohl while others say that it first emerged among the Chinese. The general idea though is that is was used for beauty and defining a person's social status.
Obviously over time the art has been modernized and a couple of techniques have made the process much more convenient. I think nail art is a challenge for me because I feel like working on a small surface requires a lot of focus and mistakes cannot easily be covered up without altering much of the initial design.

I looked up a couple of nail art designs and....

Aren't these gorgeous??

Nail art with a combination of henna is simply heaven! I must say!

Like everything else, there has to be a starting point, no?
So what better way to start than to ask a friend for help! My classmate Elma gave me permission to post some photos of her work on the blog (she looks harsh but she is really nice :-)). Hopefully after this she will grant me free lessons. See what I did there?

Considering she does not do this professionally, I think she is good at it! So what do y'all think, wanna come take nail art classes with me? mmmh.....

Wednesday 11 February 2015


Yes Yes my last post was in September last year but that does not necessarily mean that I gave up on blogging. Though I must admit life caught up with me. Hehehe, I have been trying out other talents I have and some have surprisingly worked out better than I expected. One of them being my card business. *Yay*
I am at a point in my life where so much is happening and unfortunately I have not found a balance yet :-(

However, I thought I should come on here and show you guys some of the beautiful cards I have made.

These are just a few photos, there are a couple of photos I still haven't shared. ALSO......using the idea of my portfolio, I made my friend a wall piece. (Not that it was free, hehe)

I'm slowly pushing boundaries. I'm yet to polish up on my mosaic portraits though. However, for a start, I think I did pretty great!

I made a friend a birthday gift as well. In case you are wondering what it is, its a photo album with it's own casing.

ION: I lost a really good ring while rushing to work (BTW did I mention I'm now an intern at Design Source - an Architectural firm? But I shall talk about the experience under my architecture category) So anyway, I bought the ring from Maasai Market last Saturday. It was a cheap one but Lord knows how much I love it. In case you see a beautiful ring somewhere on Mbagathi Road, you know who to call. :-)

Saturday 6 September 2014

MY LIST OF 20!!!

Recently I was on Instagram scrolling through photos when I got a notification that a friend of mine had tagged me in some photo. I'm pretty sure a number of you have been tagged in one of those status updates that start with ' 20 things you did not know about me' and in turn you have to create your own list of 20. I really was not planning on creating my list but what the heck? It won't hurt. So ladies and gentlemen, here's my list of 20.

1. I LOVE selfies! Duuh!

2. There are times I simply wish my 'fro could  just grow faster.

(chance to throw in a selfie, see that? LOL)

3. I'm really not into partying anymore. (I know some of y'all are laughing at this)

4. I LOVE to sing! However, I really do not have the guts to do so in front of a live audience.

5. I wish I were introduced to music at a very early age.

6. My sister is the person I love MOST in this world!

7. I really wish my parents did not give me an English name, two Meru names or one Meru name and another from a different ethnic group, would be just fine.

8. In another world, I would produce cartoon shows for a living.

9. When I do something, I go to the extreme of doing it. If it's working hard, I give it 110% and if it's being lazy I also give it 110%.

10. I'd like to be one f those ladies who never repeat an outfit for months but every time I look at my bank account....well, that just has to be a long term goal.

11. Never come to me for advice if you are having issues with a partner you keep breaking up then making up with. Make a choice damn it!

12. There are a few people I swore never to fall in love with; politicians, pastors and pilots.

13. I like to keep a few friends, it just makes things easier for me.

14. I do enjoy my own company. I can comfortably have lunch alone or even shop alone. :)

15. Unlike many other people my age, I do not have a concrete plan with regards to my career. All I know is that I may become a very good architect. Where I see myself in 10 or 20 years time? I ain't got no freaking clue!

16. I quit business school after two years to pursue architecture. It was the most liberating yet the scariest decision I have ever made!!!

17. There are a couple of countries I'd like to live in. Get to experience a different culture, different people, different spaces; I surely pray this dream comes to pass.

18. I really never get ladies who say "I don't know how to style my hair"......ah, how now? For complicated styles, I understand but what about the simple ones like tying a ponytail?

19. I embrace change. I love to switch things up a little from time to time.

20. Sex will always be an interesting topic to me.

Tuesday 12 August 2014


Hello helloooooo!!!!
I hope y'all are well. This post is one which has been very much requested by some of my readers who are curious about what goes on in Architecture studios. I'm not really sure how much is out there but today I have chosen to do my communication via a number of photos which I took today. (The 5th Annual Eastern Africa exhibition & workshop is going on this week in our studios)
'Bidii yetu' is a Swahili phrase meaning 'our hard work'. Given how much effort architecture students put into their work, I thought that this is a rather appropriate title.
Basically first year is where we get to explore art. We work with different shades of pencils, pastels, coloured pencils and water colours. Model making is also involved. As we progress,we then get into serious design of structures presenting different plans, elevations and sections on paper.

The photos are quite many, I know. However this is just a sample. There is much more creativity where this came from.
I sure hope you now have at least a slight idea about what we do.
Enjoy your evening guys!